Situated on a hydrologically challenging site in the foothills of the Darling Range, and dissected by the Wungong River, the Sienna Wood project exemplifies how water sensitive and site responsive urban design can create a distinctive and desirable residential community.
Sienna Wood is located within the Wungong Urban Water Master Plan area (WUWMP), a State government sponsored redevelopment project that will ultimately house approximately 40,000 people.
CDP prepared Local Structure Plans for Cells F and G that encompass Sienna Wood, which is central to the WUWMP vision, along with numerous subdivision and Local Development Plan applications within Cells D and F. CDP professionals formed part of the core team delivering the “all abilities” Shipwreck Park; a celebrated community focal point.
Structure plans and subdivisions include urban design responses to protect wetlands and remnant vegetation and comply with unique residential coding and development contributions parameters.
CDP is extensively working toward approval of an Activity Centre Structure Plan for the Hilbert district centre, which will become the focus of retail and community activity for the wider Wungong area.